Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Optimism vs Pessimism

It is amazing what being in the car alone for over 20 hours will allow you to daydream about. Granted you should never really daydream while you are driving, it is something that I constantly find myself doing. I seem to slip away into this deep state of mind thinking about everything else other than driving. It is with this that I introduce my latest daydream of optimism vs pessimism. I think that it all started with the thought of only having been in the car for 5 hrs, driving on only 3 hrs of sleep, and the harsh realization that I would be driving for another 15+ hours.
It is wildly debated whether or not the glass is half empty or half full. With this being the universal question as to whether or not you are an optimist or pessimist someone made a very valid statement the other day that counteracts any and every possible argument that could be made about this question. The thing is, as this person made very clear to me, that whether or not the cup is half empty or half full is completely irrelevant. Regardless of what one’s answer may be, the fact is that the cup remains only half. Now, then a new debate is created on whether or not this idea is pessimistic or not. It is not. The cup is what it is. Mathematically so, the cup is ½, a mere fraction. Now as far as pessimism vs. optimism. Pessimism is a black whole, a place that is comfortable to you. A place that you find safe. Pessimism is not only safe however, it is lazy, and cowardice. It is easy to think negatively because it seems as though it would protect you from being disappointed with life’s little let downs. Optimism on the contrary actually does protect you allowing you to see light in dark places. It enables you to take chances and see that the outcome of your chances may not be exactly what you hoped for, but you feel a deep satisfaction for at least giving it a shot in the dark. The thing about the cup is that is probably a simple psychological test to determine the state of mind that someone may be in. I typically consider myself an optimist, but lately after driving for two days strait I am now starting to see my cup as half full attempting to remember that it is just a fraction.

Heartbreak Hotel

Heartbreak Hotel
The Last Day of my College Career with Henry's Girls.