I am insulted not by the photo, but by the unintelligent/ racist comments from most entries that have been posted on TMZ. I was shocked to see that some posts were criticizing Miley for her offensive gestures (even if taken out of context) and they still had the nerve to call her white trash, if not worse as I read from some entries. One person even went as far as calling the asians defending her "white washed". It is amazing that someone who is offended by racism will turn around and make a racist remark not only against Miley Cyrus, but against all whites because of her actions. It is also humorous that someone offended by racism would make racist remarks against there own race. That just blows my mind. This photo, as suggested in several entries before, has absolutely nothing to do with our presidency, and it is because of unintelligent comments such as these that I am disgusted with having equal voting rights. I am white, and I am an American. I have been ridiculed for both. I have had my car pelted, I have had rocks thrown at it, I have been called a F****** cracker because I didn't have any money to spare, I have been persecuted religiously, and I have been persecuted for being an American. Unlike this photo, these were things that happened directly to me as acts of racism. The point I am trying to make is that there is a lot of hurt and a lot of prejudice people in the world. You absolutely cannot generalize an entire race because of bad choices made by some. Some of the most influential people in my life as well as for this nation have been from the same race that has persecuted me in the past. The only way to stop racism is to not be apart of it.