So the newest dilemma in my life is of course over my work. Every season we receive this amazing allowance to spend in the store that is supposed to purchase a wardrobe for you to wear to work but in reality it totals to about 5 pieces(not to be confused with outfits). I am grateful to have a job, but it doesn't mean that I will settle and stop looking for the job I've always dreamt of. So recently I've had a few companies interested in possibly hiring me however the problem is that I may have to give some of my wardrobe back. I know that it seems like a no brainer, but when you have just been given the most expense clothing you have ever owned for free you don't exactly want to return it. In fact, I kind of feel that since it is now in my possession I would fist fight anyone who tried taking any of it away from me. Even if they just wanted the underpinning (ie really nice tank top that you can buy at XX1 for $2.50) back, I wouldn't give it up without branding the person with a few teeth marks. So although the almost dream job that I'm interested in (almost=an assistant position) seems great, my subconscious hopes that they don't call. I'm thinking I should at least continue my present job for about a month, and then look for a new one. Opinions please!!!!
Oh also, my friend Liz added a comment on my accolades post of our other friends, and I just wanted to congratulate her for her accomplishments and note that she is now working at Versace PR assisting the VP. Had I of known sweet thang I would have posted them as well!!! xo
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Missing our home in Amsterdam this Friday afternoon.. Magazine clutter is
very real.. fix it with this DIY. Any weekend is a good time for a
breakfast part...
9 years ago